Saturday, September 5, 2009

Welcome to The Wearing Times! We're Kelly and Tracy, two college kids with nothing better to do on their Thursday nights than blog about fashion; what we wish we could afford to wear, and what we really wear on our way to class at Kent State University.

A few things have to be taken into consideration before you pass judgment; practicality and comfort must come into the equation for any college student, while a strict budget must be met. Also, neither of us are fashion majors; Kelly's a conservation major (a.k.a. tree hugger) while Tracy is studying in the College of Business (a.k.a. white collar enthusiast. boo hiss.) Which might not mean anything, until you recognize that neither majors are arts-oriented, and so their fellow tree hugger and white collar students stare with waring distrust at these bipedal aliens who decide to dress in anything but sweatpants at eight in the morning.


We're here to talk about fashion, music, the arts, Kelly's strange fascination with British men, and anything else that might humor Tracy that particular day.

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